Academy Villas Amenities 3: Social Activities
Academy Villas Amenities are designed to provide ways of staying physically and mentally active and socially involved. Thus, this blog will discuss the third amenity–those that help residents stay socially involved. Research indicates that social interaction may be as important as physical activity for seniors. A social lifestyle helps seniors maintain a sharp mind, increase feelings of happiness, and connect to the world around them.
Party Time
In addition to the afternoon beverage and cheese time, a number of parties are planned around holidays, residents’ birthdays, and other events. These parties bring residents together in a relaxed and fun atmosphere, sometimes with family, guests and residents from the village.
Meal Time
Of great interest to residents is meal time. They love the excellent food. But they also like to talk with others about current events, their children, books they have read, etc. They often talk about what they have learned at the various events sponsored by the Arizona Senior Academy. Thus, it is a happy time for all residents.
Family and Friends
Friends and family are always welcome at Academy Villas. Family members often attend special occasions such as birthdays and holiday parties. Residents love to see the younger children in the Villas. Further, dogs often accompany guests which garners an additional smile on the residents faces. For example, in the first picture, some family members of residents are attending the Halloween Party at the villas. And the second picture shows a resident and his daughter enjoying a quiet talk while viewing the spectacular Rincon mountains.
Village Activities
Academy Village sponsors many social activities to which the Villas Residents are invited. These include the yearly Ladies’ Tea (above), Friday afternoon Wine and Cheese events, and Art Gallery openings. Further, Villas residents are welcome to take various classes and workshops that involve working with others in the community. For example, the art classes have involved many of the Villas residents in art activities with village residents, and many friendships ensue.
All in all, the social activities abound in the Villas, helping residents maintain a positive outlook on life through having a lot of fun with others.