Academy Villas Amenities 1: Staying Physically Active

Academy Villas Amenities are designed to provide ways of staying physically and mentally active, and socially involved.  This blog discusses the various amenities that help residents stay physically active. Fortunately, these amenities are included in the basic cost of the Villas, since extra costs are not added on.

A Pool and Spa

Academy Villas Amenities

Residents use this pool for their enjoyment for regular swimming as well as aquatic classes.  The pool aerobics classes are held three times a week.  Helpfully, a handicapped chair allows individuals to be lowered into the pool.  In addition, there is a spa right next to the pool, as well as showers and restrooms.  Thus, residents stay active in the pool, relaxed in the spa, and have fun with others.

Wonderful Walking Trails

Academy Villas Amenities

Possibilities for walks abound.  For example, residents walk around the Village on the roads and sidewalks and see fascinating scenery and wildlife.  In addition, a number of trails have been built and are maintained that allow you to get closer to the desert and its scenery.  Further, walking around the village in the mornings is a treat because of the many other friendly walkers that you run into.


Academy Villas Assisted Living Dance Class

Residents have many choices of fitness classes to take, from yoga, to chair aerobics and dancing.  Residents who take advantage of this amenity engage in excellent physical activity, the social aspect of the classes provide motivation to keep active. This is helped by the many friends who are also participants.

A Brand New Fitness Room

Academy Villas Amenities

A new Gym was a part of the renovation of the recent Academy Village Community Center.  Available at all hours for residents, this gym contains state-of-the-art equipment, and trainers are available. Further, classes can be taken in the gym.

In all, there are many amenities in the Academy Villas that help residents keep physically active–an important component in stay well and happy.
